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Home Security can Get No Better than ADT Burglar Alarms – Business2Communities

Home Security can Get No Better than ADT Burglar Alarms

I’m immune to threats to my home security thanks to the ADT Intruder alarms I have installed all over my house. I consider strong house security one of the most important things in life these days, and it was that belief that led me to SecurityCAM and ADT. And I consider myself lucky that I did.

I was minding my own business and having a good night’s sleep one day when I heard my burglar alarms go off. I jumped out of bed, grabbed my trusty club and rushed downstairs. Apparently, two thieves had tried to intrude into my home! The wireless motion sensors sensed them and set the siren off, and instead of running away, they were trying to disable the alarm when I got to them. I overpowered them quickly enough. But the thing that made the whole thing astoundingly unbelievable was the fact that Bobbies arrived even before I had made a call. ADT had worked wonders with their burglar alarms and automatically alerted them for me!

I am very thankful that there are people in this world who are noble enough to come up with tools that help other people protect themselves. ADT has done a spectacular job out of that. I thank ADT and SecurityCam again and again for their quality burglar alarms and other home security products which I know saves lives and property every single day. Thank you ADT! Thank you SecurityCAM!

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