By using / accessing this website (, the user (s) agrees to be bound by the following terms of service:
You use the information on this site at your own risk, there is no warranty of any sort that this information is 100% correct, so double check with other sources for your own good. I cannot be held accountable for anything under any circumstances – hire a lawyer if you want to be 100% sure.
Terms of Use
Privacy Policy
Refund and Cancellation:
Business2communities is dedicated to protect the privacy of the customer. The information which is collected during the processing of the order is used to create a more personalized shopping experience. When the customer orders for a plan we need to know the name, email address, mailing address, credit card number, phone number, and expiration date. This helps us to complete the processing of the order and inform the customer about the order status through the confirmation notice. The company also asks for the email addresses at various points within the website so that we can send the relevant information regarding the order and further needs of the customer. The company monitors customer traffic patterns and website usage to help the company to develop the design and layout of its online store and the products and services that the company offers. The company does not share the credit card information with the third parties except for the purpose of processing payments for the services that the customer has ordered and as required by law of the Indian Government.
The safety of the information of the customer is of utmost importance for the company. When the customer places an order or inputs the account information, the company offers the use of a secure server. The secure server software (SSL) encrypts all the information that the customer inputs before it is sent to the company. If at any time the customer would like the company to delete any of the personal information on file, just e-mail, customer service. will place the advertising cookies on the computer of the customer during the browsing on the site of News PR just to know the interests of the customer. The customer can opt out from receiving such banners any time.
The company is devoted to the protection of the privacy of the customer. The company does not sell, or rent the personal information to others. By using this website you consent to the collection and use of the information you provide to and its affiliates. has the right, but not the obligation, to refuse to make available, to modify or to remove any press release or portions of press release in its sole discretion and at any time without notice, regardless of whether those press releases violate the terms of this Agreement or are otherwise objectionable.
Important: All press releases are manually reviewed by our editors. Press release submissions are subject to review and approval in accordance with our editorial and content quality guidelines. In addition, reserves the right to reject any press release submission for any reason whatsoever, without explanation. shall be the final judge of the acceptability of material to be submitted within its ability to do so; this shall be without exception. In addition, has the right to reject any approved press release at a later time; without explanation, if it was approved in error. Therefore, we cannot guarantee inclusion of your press release within our website or distribution network.
The fees once paid for the service will be refunded only in the case of the non-delivery of the promised services by the company. In the case of dispute upon the terms and conditions of the contract the case will come under the jurisdiction of the courts of NCT Delhi. Both the parties will agree to the award decided by the courts of the NCT Delhi.
The order will not be cancelled after the receiving of the payment by the company. However, in case of confusion the customer can write to the customer care department of the company regarding the confusion. The order will be cancelled only if the authorities are satisfied with the application of the customer regarding the confusion of the order.
You agree that your use of is at your own risk, including any reliance on the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the press release.
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